Digital signal transmission
Transmission of non -periodic digital signals is done by
using one of the two transmission techniques: baseband transmission and
broadband transmission.
Baseband transmission
A personal computer at your house generates digital data in
the form of digital signals which need to be sent through the transmission
medium. If this digital signal is sent to its destination without changing in
into an analog signal, the kind of transmission is known as baseband
transmission. In baseband kind of transmission the more is the bandwidth of the
channel the more number of data bits can be sent through the medium.
Broadband transmission
In broadband transmission, a digital signal is first
converted into an analog signal; and then it travels through the network. This
conversion is done through a device called modem. At the sender side, digital
signal is converted into an analog signal (known as modulation); this analog
signal now travels through the network; at the receiver side analog signal is
converted into digital signal (known as demodulation). Broadband transmission
results in better reception of signals.